
File sharing app for android
File sharing app for android

However, operating systems may restrict which types of files can be shared. You can also share files to other applications on the device.NET MAUI automatically detects the file type (MIME) and requests a share.

file sharing app for android

Public async Task ShareUri(string uri, IShare share)Īwait share.RequestAsync(new ShareTextRequest public async Task ShareText(string text)Īwait (new ShareTextRequest ShareTextRequest.Text and ShareTextRequest.Uri can be mixed and each platform will handle filtering based on content. The share functionality works by calling the RequestAsync method with a data payload that includes information to share to other applications. Make sure that you change the text to something specific to your application.

file sharing app for android

The elements represent the text shown to your users when permission is requested. This app needs access to the photo gallery to save photos and videos. If your application is going to share media files, such as photos and videos, you must add the following keys to your Platforms/iOS/ist and Platforms/MacCatalyst/ist files: NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription

File sharing app for android